Little Bôboon voyagiste sur mesure, spécialiste de l'Asie du Sud Est - Retrouvez également des articles et critiques sur la gastronomie mondiale.

Littleboboon's Ten Best Restaurants in 2021

Eventhough with the Covid-19's crisis that persists, we are fortunate enough to be able to travel around Europe and around France to eat and to discover new chefs and new restaurants, here are our favorite restaurants we ate throughout this year :


Littlebôboon 10 best restaurants in 2021

Kaleja  - Dani Carnero – Malaga - Spain

Lienzo * – María José Martnez – Valencia – Spain

Euskadunal Studio  – Vasco Coelho Santos – Porto – Portugal

La Table des Maisons Du’o – Philippe Zemour - Vaison la Romaine – France

Le M Château Massillan * – Mickaël Furnion – Uchaux– France

Tabi – Ippei Uemura – Marseille - France

FragmaKevin Gijsembergt – Leuven - Belgium

NaiaMikel Otaegui – Lanzarote- Spain

NossoAlessandra Montagne– Paris - France

SourireJustin Brohm – Paris - France




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