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El Poblet

To celebrate our 20th anniversary, we chose El Poblet restaurant. To be totally honest, it was not our first choice but we were so happy to have a gastronomic and Michelin starred restaurant open and available for lunch that we rushed to book our table.

El Poblet was Quique Dacosta’s original restaurant in Dénia and he then had the good idea to recreate it in Valencia, with Luis Valls at the helm.

Luis Valls interprets his mentor cooking through his own vision by incorporating local products into innovative and creative cooking.

For our lunch, we selected the “Territori” menu, a menu created around the products and terroir of Valencia and its communities.

The menu consisted of seven dishes with the usual amuse-bouche and mignardises.

The meal was well executed and perfectly displayed the technical skills of Luis Valls. His cooking emphasized on the local products, the flavors and the textures of each dish were remarkable.

The wine list was digital (courtesy of Covid-19) and, as expected, had a beautiful selection of Spanish wines, from which we chose a 2015 Raventos I Blanc De la Finca for the whole meal, and for digestive a wonderful Culla Vella 1980,  an unique liquor made in Valencia.

The service in English by Anna Botella and her team was flawless.

In our opinion, two or three Michelin-star restaurants are expected to provide a perfect experience from the moment you set foot inside to the moment you leave, and above all else, the meal must be excellent from the first to the last bite. Unfortunately, it was not the case for our experience at El Poblet as the desserts were disappointing, definitely not on par with the rest of the meal. We did not fail to mention this directly to the chef, Luis Valls, who thanked us for our honesty.


El Poblet

Carrer de Correus, 8, 46002 València

Valencia, Spain

Téléphone : +34 961 11 11 06



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